May 18, 2023

MR PRO | Decoding the Current State of Web3: Inflation, $ETH Staking & NFTs


Another day, another opportunity to look onchain! 👀🔛⛓️

In the traditional world, we’d need to wait for earnings season 📊 to understand how businesses are doing or the FED minutes ⏳ to understand how the economy is doing.

In web3, we can look anytime we want.

It truly is amazing. 🤩

In today's 👀🔛⛓️report, we’re looking into the top 5 themes that are driving web3 right now. 🚀

Those themes include:

  1. 📉Inflation (yes, we can look onchain for this too, thanks to oracles!)

  2. 📈ETH Staking + RocketPool

  3. 📈Blockchain Gas Fees

  4. 📈Blockchain Activity (Bitcoin + Ethereum) + 📉Users

  5. 📉NFT Marketplaces + 📈Lending

There’s a lot going on in web3 right now. 🌪️

Unfortunately, the BIG things happening are not the big mainstream things.

Our themes are not about web3 gaming 🎮, social 🗣️, tickets 🎟️, etc. reaching the masses. 🌍

Not yet.

Instead they are things like macro, staking, gas fees and other things that most people in the world will simply never care about. 😴

That’s ok. It means we are early, which is exactly how we capitalize on the next big phase of the internet.

Let’s look onchain before looking onchain is cool. 😎 

Let’s understand these technologies and what users are doing before the mainstream understands this stuff.

This allows us to build or invest ahead of everyone.

First on the list is inflation 💸

1. Inflation? Never Heard Of It 🤷

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